Thursday 25 September 2014

Mark Making

As a group we were tasked with fill several large strips of paper with expressive marks and patterns using any media including paint, pastels, inks and charcoal.

ID Card

To create my Id card using photoshop i started by taking lots of interesting photo both of me and objects and patterns, to use for the picture and the back ground. Once i had taken the photos i then began to edit them using photoshop. I edited them by changing the darkness, the hue and saturation and using different effects on the photos.


As a group we were tasked with making a scene using clay, we then decided to create a city scape and a giant mutant rabbit. We then decided to start making the building out of card board as it would use up less materials. We then also started adding in other materials to help create the scene such as stones tissue paper and using paint to create a back ground.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

PASS Exhibition

Today we visited the PASS (Pull, Aim Squeeze, Sweep) Exhibition in Worksop,  the exhibition feature work from several different artists.

The Exhibition it self was situated in a really unique building, which made for an interesting gallery space which worked well. When first walking in to the exhibition you walking in to small open space with two piece of work that you initially see, before you notice other paintings on the wall and videos playing behind you. One of the first things that i noticed when i walked in was the sounds as there was different videos and pieces with sound playing.

Then once i had look round the first small open space i had to walk down a small passage way to the next part, the way you had to walk to the next part was quite interesting as it looked as if there wasn't anything down there as it looked pretty dark. The way you entered built up a bit of tension before you walked into the room.