Thursday 16 October 2014

Composition in painting

The rule of thirds is a guideline followed by some visual artists. The objective is to stop the subject and areas of interest from bisecting the image, by placing them near one of the lines that would divide the image into three equal columns and rows, ideally near the intersection of those lines.

The rule of odds means that having an odd number of a subject in a composition means that our brains can not pair the subjects together so easily or create a link between them so easily meaning your eye moves around the painting more.
Leading lines when someone looks at a composition their eyes naturally follow lines within it. so the position and placement of the lines should be considered carefully.
The golden ratio is an actual numeric value which is 1:1.618... which when draw looks like

The golden ratio is found in nature and therefor makes for one of the most balanced and aesthetically pleasing way of creating a composition.

The Golden triangle 

The L shape is where the subject matter is place in an L shape across the piece. 

Diagonal composition

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Day in a box

As an exercise we were told to each sit in our box excluded from the rest of the group the reason for us to sit in the box was to remove all outside influences. Once in the box were told to draw all the shadow we saw and the light that fell in to the box.
After we drew the light coming in to the box we the were allowed to customise our box in any way  that we wanted to. I did It by making holes in the sides of the box so that when you were on the inside of the box it looked like stars I think that this look quite effective but I could have been a bit more adventurous with how I customised the box. 

String - Negative and Positive Space

As a group we did an session where we used string to break up the room, the purpose of the session was to learn about positive and negative space and how it changes the room. It was really interesting on how the string changed the room as even though we used very little material, as the string made you have to move around the room very differently to avoid getting tangled in the string.
After we had covered the room with the string we the covered the place where the string made shapes with tissue paper. 


Thursday 2 October 2014

Mark Making - Painting

Working as a group we to parts of the mark making that we did to make a composition for a large painting.

Mark Making edits

After we had taken photos of the mark making that we did, i then started manipulating the photo in photoshop to use as part of our ID cards.

Frankzilla Part 2

Using the photos that were taken of Frank and the scene that we created i then tried to create a movie style poster for Frankzilla.