Friday 12 December 2014

Life Drawing 12/12/14

This was a new technique that i tried were you use straight lines to cross reference different parts of the body. This is to make it easier to get the proportions, angles and the form of the figure right, i found that using this technique made it a lot harder to draw the figure as you have to pay a  lot more attention to where you are drawing your lines.

Thursday 11 December 2014


Hoodening or Hodening is and east Kent tradition, but related traditions also take place in other parts of the UK and dates back to the 18th century. The play centers around a ploughing team at a farm in the Thanet although groups exist in the Deal. A common feature with in all the plays is a wooden horse, which consists of a head mounted on top of a wooden pole with fabric attached to hide the wearer, the head also has a hinged jaw that would snap shut with a crack.

Thursday 4 December 2014

The Derby Tup

The Derby Tup is also known as Old Tup or the Derby Ram and is a mumming play associated with house visiting customs around Christmas time in the Sheffield area. The Tup is similar to the Hooden Horse in construction – a head on a pole with snapping jaws and rams horns, held by an operator covered by a cloth to represent the body. The play is accompanied by the singing of the widespread old folk song “The Derby Ram” and is the story of how the ram is butchered and made into useful and desirable items for the local people to use. Other characters include his keeper and Beelzebub and Little Devil Doubt who solicit for donations with menaces.

Mummers Plays

Mummers plays are seasonal folk plays that are pro formed by groups of actors often being performed in the street or in public houses. Originally starting in the British isles but now performed in other parts of the world too.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

The Wilder Mann

The wilder mann is a series created by photographer Charles Freger, the photographs were taken over two winters in 19 European countries. All the photographs are taken of costumes that are based on the legends and myths of the wild man and the various different forms they take in festivals that take place all across Europe between December and Easter.

Life Drawing - 28/11/14

These are the drawings that i created during our forth life drawing session, the drawings were created using a sketchbook app on a tablet. I think that using the tablets were interesting as it was more difficult to draw using the app than using a pencil and paper so i had to push my self to get the outcome that i wanted.

The first study that i did of the life model didn't work that well as i hadn't quite got the hang of using the app yet so the outline of the figure is a lot thicker and messier than i would have liked it to be. Despite the thick outlines i think that the proportions of the figure work ok as they are not perfect but works.

This second study that i did worked a lot better as i use a thinner stroke of the line on the app, so the outline of the figure is cleaner and not as thick but it is still a little scruffy in places.

This is the first laying down pose that we did i tried to use foreshortening on this drawing but i don't think that it worked very well, this is because i didn't get the foreshortening right so the figure doesn't look as if it is laying down more as if it is leaning against something.

I feel as if this drawing has worked the best i think that this is because i have got the shape and the proportions of the body quite well, i all so feel that the shading on the body has worked really well as i have use both soft brushes and shape lines to create the tone.