Tuesday 2 December 2014

Life Drawing - 28/11/14

These are the drawings that i created during our forth life drawing session, the drawings were created using a sketchbook app on a tablet. I think that using the tablets were interesting as it was more difficult to draw using the app than using a pencil and paper so i had to push my self to get the outcome that i wanted.

The first study that i did of the life model didn't work that well as i hadn't quite got the hang of using the app yet so the outline of the figure is a lot thicker and messier than i would have liked it to be. Despite the thick outlines i think that the proportions of the figure work ok as they are not perfect but works.

This second study that i did worked a lot better as i use a thinner stroke of the line on the app, so the outline of the figure is cleaner and not as thick but it is still a little scruffy in places.

This is the first laying down pose that we did i tried to use foreshortening on this drawing but i don't think that it worked very well, this is because i didn't get the foreshortening right so the figure doesn't look as if it is laying down more as if it is leaning against something.

I feel as if this drawing has worked the best i think that this is because i have got the shape and the proportions of the body quite well, i all so feel that the shading on the body has worked really well as i have use both soft brushes and shape lines to create the tone.

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