Saturday 21 June 2014

Orbs - My Final Piece

For my final piece for my FMP i created these spheres made out of coloured tissue paper, i created them by covering a beech ball with PVA glue and the tissue paper. Then once it had dried deflating the ball and taking it out to leave a hollow paper structure, i then put a battery LED light in the top so it would light up.

I decided to create this as my final piece as my project was based on emotions i wanted to create an environment that created a certain feel, i wanted the room to feel calming and relax so i chose spheres as they are a calm shape as they do non have any edges or sharp corners. i also chose the colours for a reason as they are the colours that i found in my research to be calm and relaxing colours.

I think the piece works well as with the spheres floating and combined with the colours and shape gives the room a feeling of tranquility.

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