Tuesday 10 February 2015

Life Drawing 30/01/15

I think that the studies that i have done during this weeks life drawing session have been some of my best, i think that the way that i have use the charcoal and chalk have worked really well. The first study that i did was only a quick one, which hasn't worked very well as i haven't got the proportions and the shading very wells so it looks off and flat.

The second one work a bit better as the shape and proportions of the body is a little more accurate, i have also got the tones a little better which makes the look more life like and less flat.

I think that this is where my drawings started to get a little better as i don't think that the first two studies worked all that well. I think that this one works better because i have got a lot more of the tones, but this study also doesn't work as all the lines and shapes are to curved making the body look a little cylindrical and odd.  

I think that this study (below) i on of the best as i was able to get the proportions really well but what i think that makes it one of my best it the shading the i have done. The tones that i have capture on this study really help bring it to life, i think that the tones are best around the stomach as they are really strong and smooth and give a slight look of been three dimensional and don't look flat like on some of my other studies.

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