Wednesday 24 June 2015

Supporting Statement

For my Final Major Project (FMP) i was looking at fairy tales, i wanted to create puppets and props for a fairy tale which i chose (The Two Brothers) which would work in a stage environment. I wanted to create puppets and props as i had previously been looking at puppets during some of our previous projects which were folk art and parade. One of my main aims for my FMP was that i wanted to increase my knowledge of puppet mechanics and using them so that i could create my own puppets that would work on stage. Some of my inspiration for this project were people like Basil Twist but i was mainly looking at puppet companies and stage productions to see how other people had created work in a similar way to what i wanted to create my work. I have looked at productions such as, "is dark materials" and a production of "the secret garden" which i used as inspiration for the bear and hare puppets which i created.

I feel that i have achieve my main aim of creating a puppet that would work for a stage production as i have considers how the puppets would work on stage, as i have considered that they would need to be relatively simple to use and quite light so that they are easy to use on stage. Even though i have considered how they would need to work on stage i still think that they could be improved as the mechanism are not perfect and could generally be improved. I could also further my project by continuing to create different puppets for the rest of the animals and looking at different mechanisms that i would need to use to make them work.

I have been able to use knowledge form previous project as i have previously looked into puppet mechanism and i have also been able to further this knowledge whilst doing my FMP as i have research in to more mechanics and puppets. I will also be able to use this knowledge later on after the corse and when i go on to university as i will be able to use the knowledge of mechanics that i have built up during this project if i ever create a puppet again.

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