Sunday 25 January 2015


I decided to make some horns to go with the mask that i had made. I decided to make as the mask was based on the wilder mann, i based them on animal horn. I made them by creating a simple wire structure which i then stuffed with newspaper and covered with paper mache and painted an off white colour to make them look more like bone. I think that the construction of the horns went well as they are strong and have the look and effect that i was after, i then attached them to a wire helmet like frame so that they could be worn on the head. The problem with them is that they are not very piratical as they are heavier than i intended meaning that they are slightly to heavy to wear on the head so they move around and are a little unstable. This could have been solved by making a more stable structure to attach it to the head or making them lighter by removing the metal frame within as the paper mache would be strong enough on its own.   

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