Thursday 22 January 2015

Latex Mask

Towards the beginning of the folk art project we made masks, we made them by first making a mod rock cast of the face. Then when it had dried taking it of the face, i was able to pour a plaster mix into the hollow of the cast. Then when taking the mod rock cast off to leave just a plaster block which was the basis of the mask, which i then built upon with clay to make the features a bit more unnatural. I think that i could have thought more about what i was basing the mask on an made it more interesting by basing it on something like krampus etc.  

Then using the block with clay on as the structure to build the mask of i then brushed on about 6 or 7 layers of latex, then a further 6 or 7 layers of latex with thickener and a bit of white paint added in to get this (below)

I then decided that i was going to add hair so that it look more like a something from the wilder mann. I added the hair by cutting bit of hair of a old halloween wig and glue gunning it on to the mask. I like the mask but i don't think that it work as well as i intended to as i didn't make it interesting as i could have.

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