Friday 20 March 2015


Abstract Expressionism

Abstract expressionism is an art movement from the 1950 which started in the 1940. Abstract expressionism is similar to its predecessor with its automatic an subconscious, abstract expressionism paintings tended to be on a larger scale as it allowed the painter to be "in the painting".

Life in the 1950's

Life in the 1950's was good for the white straight male, as peoples views on sex, race and homosexuality were not as accepting as they are now. People view on women was that they were to stay at home and be housewife's. The 1950's was also a time of new technology and designs that were created to make life easier. Life in Britain was one of trying to rebuild after the destruction of the second world war, with rationing still in place for a period of time at the beginning of the 1950's.   

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