Saturday 7 March 2015


Bauhaus was an art school that was set up in 1919 in the German city of Weimar. The school radically changed the way design was taught in schools as teaching was focused more on the individual that teaching set things as a group. Rather than teaching design basic skills were taught whilst working in studios. Theatre was and important part in how students were taught as theatre productions brought several art forums together. Women were also allow to study at the Bauhaus, at first were they were allow to study anything they wished but later led in to more stereotypical roles as there was a high demand of women who wanted to work there. As the school was publicly funded a exhibition was put on in 1923 to show the work that was being produced. The school had to move in 1925 due to a more right wing political views of the people due to economical problems in Germany at the time and the Bauhaus having a more left wing politics. The Bauhaus then moved to Dessau which was less right wing as it was an industrial area which suited the Bauhaus and the way it worked trying to redesign every day objects and mass produce them. The school then moved again in 1932 to berlin. The school closed in 1933 as there was increasing pressure for it to close form the Nazi party as they claimed that it was the centre of communism.


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