Monday 10 March 2014

Experimenting with Materials

I decided to start experimenting with materials such as glue, wax and ink. I decided to do these experiments to play with the possible materials that i could make a sculpture out of.

 wax & glue

glue & ink

Here i used wax and ink to create this, i first poured a bit of molten wax on to tracing paper then dripped the ink on top. It has work well as i expected the colour to blend into the wax but instead the ink has repelled the wax and left a interesting texture in the wax.

I had the idea of using a small glass jar then layering ink and wax so the ink gets trapped in the jar and in the wax, the idea was inspired by the potion that Alice drinks that makes her shrink. 


I then had the idea to drop molten wax in to cold water so it would dry quickly to see how it would dry and what shapes it would make. I think the result  the texture and shape that it makes are really interesting.

I then was playing with the way ink blends in to water and created these, i chose to do it in a small jar as i was trying to recreate the potion that Alice drinks to make her small.

The unpredictable outcome of the experiments inspired me to change the way am approaching the project, as i am now going to take a less literal approach to the project and look more at the way Alice would feel in the situations and the themes within the book.

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