Sunday 16 March 2014

Project (so far)

At the start of this project i was looking at Alice in wonderland in a more literal sense. I began by wanting to work in fine art, so i started looking at the several different version of the Alice in wonderland films and looking at the concept art for the films. From this research i started making small sculptures based on the characters from the book and the film, with this the general intended direction that i was going with my project. I feel that these pieces based simply on the characters and the book itself don't really work very well as they are not really my ideas and my thinking towards my work was to literal so i quickly became bored of the project and was running out of ideas.

After making some pieces based on my initial ideas i then began to play with the material that i could use, i started experimenting with wax, glue and ink. I think that experimenting with materials worked really well as it inspired me and help change my thinking and direction of the project, the unexpected outcomes and patterns of the materials made me think about the nature of the book and some of its underlying themes. I then stared noting some the recurring elements that i notice within the book such as size, riddles, time etc. I also looked at some of the underlying themes of the book like growing up, identity, confusion and curiosity. I started looking at artist work that were based or what i felt that could easily represent confusion such as Sol Lewitt, based on this research i then started making some more small sculptures that i thought would represent confusion. These pieces were just quick experimental pieces where i was experimenting with the colours and shapes to try and create an effect and show how you would feel when you were confused or  i tried to create a piece of work that was confusing to look at.

I am going to continue trying to create confusion and base my work on confusion, but i am going to try and experiment more on a larger scale playing about more with the shape and possibly sound as so far i have manly focused on colour and random almost automatic shapes. I also want to play about with environment try to create confusion or a feeling by manipulating the environment within a room, this idea was inspired by the work of the artist Mike Nelson who uses extended labyrinths in his instillation.

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