Wednesday 26 November 2014

Elgin Marbles

Because we are creating the sculpture for the construction department I look at the Elgin Marbles as we intend to create the sculptures in a similar way to how the Elgin Marbles look.

Elgin marbles is a collection of ancient Greece sculptures and architectural details, these are also known as Parthenon sculptures. These sculptures were originally on the Parthenon temple in Greece but were later removed from the temple and shipped to England by the arrangement of Thomas Bruce (7th Lord Elgin), who was the British ambassador to the Ottoman Empire. The removal of the sculptures caused a huge controversy that exemplified questions about the ownership of the cultural artefacts and the return of the antiques to their places of origin and still to this day the controversy is still happening. I believe that the Elgin marbles should be back in Greece, they are part of that country's history, all the sculptures should be together in their rightful place. Imagine parts of Big Ben being in a museum miles away from it's origin. But also Elgin loved the sculptures and wanted to keep them safe so I also don't see the harm with them staying in England. 

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