Thursday 27 November 2014

Life Drawing 21/11/14

This is the work that i created during our third life drawing session, during the session we where using colour instead of just using black and white to show the tones of the light falling on the figure.

I don't think that i have used to many different colours all in on place and they don't work well together,

For the second study that i did i tried to tone down the amount of colour that i was using, i think that doing this worked a bit better as it docent look as much of a mess than the previous one. I think that the legs have worked best as i have used only one colour over a large area i also think that it works as i have used contouring on the legs so they look a bit more realistic.

I think that the last study that i did works best as again i have tried to use connoting and have used the colour over lager areas. The reason that i doesn't work that well is because of the proportions and angles of the figure as i have got a lot of the proportions wrong.

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