Tuesday 18 November 2014

Life Drawing 8/11/14

These are the work that i create during our first life drawing session of the foundation course. The first drawing was using a skeleton as the model. I think that the skeleton worked quite well as i feel that i got the form of the bones quite well but i feel that they were a little out of proportion.

The rest of the drawing were studies of an actual life model, i feel that these studies didn't work that well at all as i struggled to get both the shape and form of the figure accurately. 

After doing some simple studies of the model we were then challenged to draw the figure within decreasing lengths of time, ranging from around 15 minutes at the beginning down to around 5 seconds towards the end. I think that doing this exercise really helped me as it challenged me to capture as much as the figure as quickly as possible, stopping me from think too much about the accuracy of the drawing.

From doing the quick drawing i feel that it has improve my drawing slightly as it meant that i got the proportions of the figure better naturally with out thinking about it too much.

The last drawing that i did was created by using scribble line to create the figure, despite the drawing being less clear and detailed i feel that i was still able to get the proportions and shape of the model much more accurately that i was able to at the beginning of the session.

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