Monday 27 April 2015


When i was looking around on the internet at puppet i came across a production called "crow" by the Handsping Puppet Company. I really like the way the smaller crow looks as it is very similar in size and looks. Something like this would work well for a prop of the golden bird in the two brothers. Unfortunately i couldn't find an information on the way that the puppets were made for the production so i have no information on the mechanics behind bird.  

Crow was an experimental mixture of puppetry with dance, charting the disconnected fragments of experience from the epic to the intimate contained in Hughes’ poems. The texts revolve around the experiences of a character called Crow who is sometimes a real crow, sometimes nearly a man, and sometimes an essence of life in a world full of death. The whole company worked with dance, puppetry and text to make a unique spectacle.

I want to create a puppet or prop for the bird from the two brothers story I think that the way that they have create the puppet for this production is really useful and has given me ideas for how I could possibly create a puppet if I were going to do a production. 

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