Thursday 2 April 2015

Statement of Intent

SECTION ONE – Your Final Major Project (guide 150 words)
What is the title of your Project? What will you work towards producing and what is your proposed end point? Explain how this relates to your work and ideas from the Pathway Stage and how it extends your knowledge, understanding and creative ability.

The title of my FMP is “Fairy Tales” in which I will be looking at tales by The Brothers Grimm [4]. I intend to make props some of which will be moving props/puppets that would work for a stage production. The theme of my FMP links well in to the previous work that I have done and the pathway stage, as fairy tales link well with the folk art project where I looked at folk plays. I will use the research into mechanisms used in puppets and be able to continue and extend this research during my FMP.

SECTION TWO – Influences, Research, Sources and Ideas (guide 150 words)
What are the influences, starting points and contextual references and why are they relevant to your ideas? Indicate the subject areas you intend to research and the likely sources of information including any museums, specific locations, performances, etc you plan to visit. However you should not make extensive lists in this section. Instead you should compile an accurate bibliography correctly acknowledging all references including texts, periodicals, websites and video/DVD’s etc. Enter your bibliography in the APPENDIX.

I will start my FMP by looking into fairy tales by finding a tale that would work well as a production such as The Two Brothers [5] and The White Snake [6]. These tales will be the starting point for all my ideas and designs for props that would be using in a production.

I will continue to research into the technical side of puppetry to further my knowledge and also extend it in to props and take inspiration from designers such as Basil Twist [1] and production studios such as Handspring Puppet Company [2]. I will also be visiting the Harry Potter studios [3] so I will be able to do research and see the props that were used during the making of the films. I will also hope to go see a play or musical at a theatre and take note of how props were used in an actual production.

SECTION THREE – Techniques, Processes and Timescale (guide 150 words)
Refer to any techniques and processes you intend to use. Describe the range of media and materials relevant to your project and how you may use them to explore and develop your ideas. Include aspects of studio practice, workshop procedures or the use of particular equipment and software etc. Provide an indicative timescale for your project and indicate the manner in which you intend to divide your time in order to investigate, develop, produce and evaluate your project appropriately. This should be a meaningful plan to you and should be personalised to your project. You may wish to write your plan as a daily or weekly schedule in which case enter your timescale in the APPENDIX .

I intend to use a wide range of materials experimenting to find which material is best to get the effect that I want and for what I intend to make. I plan to use lightweight materials as I found from my previous work that have done that lighter materials work better for making props, so I will use wire, paper mache and possibly foam and other materials that I find when doing research. I will begin by doing research in to fairy tales and props and then taking that research to inform the designs that I will do for the production. I will then take a few of the designs the one that I feel work the best for a production and then develop them in to full scale props.

SECTION FOUR – Method of Evaluation (guide 50 words)
How will you critically review and analyse your work and determine if it is successful? How will you identify directions for on going development? Do you have a method to record the critical response to your ideas? How do you propose to assess the success of your Final Major Project and what will be your methods of evaluation? Unit 9 requires you to produce a supporting statement at the end of your project. This section can inform your analysis.

I am going to evaluate the work that I do both on my blog and in a sketch book, I will evaluate by analysing my work to see where it has gone right and where it has gone wrong. Then taking that evaluation to see what I need to do next and how I can improve the work that I am doing.

Use this appendix for the bibliography and timescale for your Final Major Project.



Initial time plan for FMP

Week (Monday to Friday) Proposed Activity Resources

1. Initial research and ideas. Research in to props and fairy tales to find tales that could work well
for a production and do initial design ideas based on them.

2.  “                              ” “                              ”

3. Developing ideas & research further. Take some of the initial ideas and develop them further continuing research to inform ideas.  

4. “                            ” “                                ”

5. Experimenting & developing Experimenting with materials to produce ideas, further developing ideas and research.

6. “                                ” “                                 ”

7. Developing final ideas and producing. Taking the idea which I have decided to develop as if it was a production and developing it into my final idea and begging to produce props for final outcome
8. “                               ” “                              ”

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