Wednesday 13 May 2015

Blind Summit - His Dark Materials

I wanted to move away from just working on the bird and look at doing some more design work for the rest of the characters. So i began to do some research in to some other puppets to try and get inspiration for my work. Whilst doing this i came across a puppet company called "Blind Summit" and the puppets that they created for a production of "His Dark Materials".  I really like the puppets that they have created for the production as they are really really simple and haven't tried to make them look to realistic. I think that this is the way to go with my work as i often try to over complicate thing. 

One particular thing that i found interesting about there work is that is doesn't try to hide the puppeteers at all but in the case of the polar bear uses them as part of the puppet itself. I find the polar bear puppet interesting as they have only focused on the head to show that it is a polar bear and then used a simple structure to imply the rest of the animal.

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