Wednesday 13 May 2015

Tree Bark Experiments

As i wanted to move away from just working on the bird i decided to try and do some experiment with trying to get a tree bark texture. I start by trying to create it by using plaster but my first efforts didn't go very well as it doesn't look very much like bark.

As my first effort hadn't gone very well i then went outside to look at some of the trees and what there  bark looked like and found to small pieces of bark to use as a reference. 

I then had another go using the plaster but this time being more gentle when creating the grooves in the plaster, i created a lot more as well so it look more realistic. I think that this one worked better as it doesn't look particularly realistic but does have quite an interesting pattern.  

I then decided to move away from using the plaster as i thought that it would be to heavy to use as a prop. I therefor tried to use paper and glue instead as it would be a lot lighter and but still keep the piece quite sculpted, i think that it has worked quite well although it isn't that realistic i like that texture that the paper has once it is scrunched up as it has a look that is similar to bark.

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