Thursday 24 April 2014

Colour Psychology

Colour psychology is the study of how human behaviour can be determined by colour, and looks into how colour effects mood and are perceived by people. Although the way a person experiences colour can be effected by their personal and cultural associations.

Colour can be seen as warm or cool because of universal factors for example...

- yellow, orange, and red are seen as warm colour because of the sun and fire.
- blue green and violet are seen as cool colours because of leaves the sky and the sea.

Although weather a colour is perceived as cool or warm can be effected by the brilliance or the lightness or darkness of the colour which changes the colours psychological effect.

A physiological change can occur in a person when they are exposed to certain colours, they can stimulate, excite, depress, tranquilize, increase appetite and create a feeling of warmth and coolness. 

Red - courage, strength, warmth, energy, stimulation, masculinity, defiance, aggression, strain.

Blue - intelligence,communication, trust, efficiency, serenity, duty, coolness, reflection, calm, aloofness, lack              of emotions, unfriendly. 

Yellow - optimism, confidence, extravagance, emotional strength, friendliness, creativity, irrationality, fear,                    anxiety.

Green -  harmony, balance, refreshment, rest, reassurance, peace, boredom, stagnation, blandness.

Violet -  spiritual awareness, luxury, truth, quality, decadence, suppression, inferiority.

Orange - comfort, warmth, security, abundance, fun, deprivation, frustration.

Pink - tranquility, nature, warmth, femininity, love, sexuality, inhibition, emotional claustrophobia, weakness.

Grey - neutrality, dampness, depression, lack of energy.

Black - sophistication, glamour, safety, coldness, menace.

White - hygiene, clarity, purity, simplicity, coldness, sterility, unfriendliness.

Brown - warmth, nature, earthiness, support, lack of sophistication.

Colours can also effect the body for example red can stimulate the senses and raise the blood pressure whilst blue has the opposite effect.


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