Friday 25 April 2014

More colour Psychology


The color Red is the most vibrant of all the colors. It stimulates the adrenal gland and the neurons, which is located above the kidney and controls the release of hormones. too much exposure to the color red can cause stress; it may also cause frustration and provoke anger and it stimulates heartbeat and breathing.


Yellow helps to release a chemical in the brain called Serotonin, essential for causing a happy mood. Yellow helps to enhances concentration and gives the brain and nervous system a "wake up call". But too much yellow can cause fatigue and might make people lose there temper more often as it is the most difficult colour on the eye.


Blue. It is believed to have a soothing effect on human mind as it helps to produce some calming chemicals in the brain. But being exposed to to much blue can cause depression, the colour blue can also make objects seem not as heavy and as blue is not a food colour can make people loose their appetite.


Green is the most soothing colour on the eyes and therefor helps relax and helps relieve stress. People also tend to spend more time in a room that is green and it gives of a heeling and hygienic feel.


Pink is the most tranquil colour and is known to reduce anger and anxiety and helps keep people calm. 

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