Thursday 24 April 2014

Final Major Project

For my FMP I want to carry on working in my chosen field which is fine art. I am going to continue working in a way similar to how I was working in the Alice in wonderland project, where I was working with installation based on Alice's emotions. I want to continue working on the idea of emotions and using installation to create or provoke an emotion from the viewer. I want to use installation as I feel that the experience that the viewer of the installation is much more powerful and immersive, therefore would be a much effective way to provoke an emotion. Another reason for using installation is that I find it interacting the way a space can be changed or manipulated to get specific feeling to the space which can change a persons emotion, and I want to explore different factors that can be effect the feel of a space. As I am going to continue working with emotions I am going to research the way a space is effected by colour, light and size, I will also need to research other artist who both use installation and/or use artist that use colour or light in their work in a similar way that I want to use them.

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