Wednesday 23 April 2014

Exploring and Confusion

After looking at confusion and the looking at the artist Mike Nelson i then decide to create my own environments that could be explored. I wanted to do this so that people entering the environment would feel a sense of amazement and a little confused as if they were discover something new for the first time, this is because this is the way i thought that Alice would feel when first setting eyes on wonderland. To create the installations i decided to use fabric as it is moves easily and is easy to manipulate.

To create it i use three different pieces of white fabric the first one i did i hung the fabric length ways in a zigzag patterns so you either had to walk around the fabric or move it out the way to get from one side of the room to the other. I think that this worked okay but the fact that you could see the rest of the room detracted from the experience also i think that the simple layout of it meant that you didn't really get lost or confused by where you were so it didn't give the effect that i had hoped for.

I then created another but this time i hung the fabric in the opposite direction so it wasn't as long but went much further around the room. For this one i used two of the sheets and hung them about two feet apart and went to on end of the room and then did a tight curve the coming back again with the fabric getting closer at the curve. This worked a lot better than the previous the layout wasn't more complex but  i think that the way the fabrics ran next to each other made your field of view much smaller and the way the fabric was close to you made it a lot harder to move around the space. 

I then used the layout again but turned the lights on which i thought changed the experience again as the light shone through the fabric with out you been able to see through it and changed the atmosphere of the place making it feel even more like exploring. 

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