Saturday 24 May 2014

Project Update

I wanted to look back on my project to help me see what i have done so far and where I am  with my project and where I need to go with my project.

The theme for my project is emotion and this is still the direction I want continue with my project, I want to continue exploring light, colour, sound and texture to create emotion. So far for this project I have research both colour and light and how it effect both psychology and our emotions, then began to experiment with these to see how I could create an emotion. I think that recently I heave begun to drift away from the theme of my project theme as I have focused on manly experimenting with light, so to bring my project back to the theme I need to do more focused research to do with my theme. I Also think that i need to do some more in depth research for my project to help my work progress and relate more to my theme.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Light Column

After I tried to create Cylindrical shaped object that was inspired by the united visual artists, I then tried a different on but instead I decided to try and create something similar but instead I made it a cuboid type shape. I made it by making to metal squares and then attaching on to the ceiling with wire and then attaching the two together with string, then I wrapped the whole structure with the organza and put lights in the middle. 

Tuesday 20 May 2014

More Light Experiments

After I had simply covered the lights with fabric I then decided to experiment with using the fabric in a more interesting ways. I began using the organza and tying it to the ceiling and the placing the light within the fabric.  

I then was inspired by the united visual artist's work to make a large cylindrical shape. I don't think that it worked very well as it wasn't as big as I wanted it to be and  the fabric goes in at the top so it didn't work or look how I wanted it to be.

I then used the white fabric then use the light on top of it which didn't work very well so I decided to put some balloons over the light to change the colour of the light showing thorough the fabric. I think that this works well except for the fact that you can see the shape of the light through the fabric. 

Monday 19 May 2014

Angela Bulloch

The Light Cube

After i had been experimenting with the fabrics i decided to experiment with a shape, so i made a simple cube structure made out of metal wire. I was inspired to do this because of my research where i found an artist called Jonathan Jones who makes large cuboid shapes with light in side them. After i had made the cube i then covered it in white fabric, then beginning to experiment with light inside the cube.

I use the same LED light that i had used in my previous experiments to light up the cube, i then tried changing the colour of the light by using the organza material to cover the light. I think that doing this worked really well as the material still allowed a lot of the light through but changed the colour really effectively.


Sunday 18 May 2014

Thursday 15 May 2014

Fabric and Light

I continued using the small LED's and experimenting with materials, I began using organza and net fabric, placing it over the light. I think that using these fabrics has worked really well as its hard to see where the light is coming from and its interesting the patterns and shadow that the material creates.

The Huge Plastic Bag ft LED's

Whilst doing the experiments with the materials I came across this huge plastic bag, which I then decided to experiment with by inflating it and using the lights to make it look as if it glows.