Saturday 24 May 2014

Project Update

I wanted to look back on my project to help me see what i have done so far and where I am  with my project and where I need to go with my project.

The theme for my project is emotion and this is still the direction I want continue with my project, I want to continue exploring light, colour, sound and texture to create emotion. So far for this project I have research both colour and light and how it effect both psychology and our emotions, then began to experiment with these to see how I could create an emotion. I think that recently I heave begun to drift away from the theme of my project theme as I have focused on manly experimenting with light, so to bring my project back to the theme I need to do more focused research to do with my theme. I Also think that i need to do some more in depth research for my project to help my work progress and relate more to my theme.

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